Conversing and Relating

Image 4.1

Learning objectives

 Successful interaction with this and associated course content will enable students to…

  • Gain insight into the complexity of language as related to human relationships
  • Discuss different communication styles and issues of gender and language
  • Know about theories related to communication accommodation
  • Discuss different sources of miscommunication
  • Understand the dynamics of language use in social contexts, including online

Topics covered

  1. Communication in Practice
    • Language and relationships
    • Communication styles
    • Communication contexts
    • Communication accommodation
    • Uncertainty management
    • Sources of miscommunication
  2. Language and Society
    • Culturally embedded language
    • Cultural schemas and scripts
    • Gender and communication
    • Communication in personal relationships
    • Romancing across cultures

Image note: Some images have been removed from this section on the basis of copyright. The image numbering from the teaching version has been preserved to ensure consistency across versions.