16.0 Introduction


  • 16.1 Nutrition and Pregnancy
  • 16.2 Infancy through Adolescence
  • 16.3 Middle-Age through Old Age

Nutritional choices that parents make, such as the decision to breastfeed or bottle-feed, not only affect early childhood development, but also a child’s health and wellness later in life. Therefore, it is imperative to promote and support the best practices for the well-being of infants and mothers alike. Throughout this chapter, we will examine how dietary choices—from daily caloric intake for pregnant women to serving sizes for toddlers—impact health and wellness during pregnancy and the early childhood years.

Our examination of nutrition through the human life cycle will continue as we study the remainder of childhood into adulthood and the elderly years. Nutritional choices remain critical throughout a person’s life and influence overall health and wellness. The nutritional choices we make today affect not only our present health but also our future well-being.

Sources: https://www.oercommons.org/courses/an-introduction-to-nutrition-v1-0/view – Chapters 12 & 13