Guía de estilo: Style Guide for authors of this book (in progress)

The purpose of this document is to provide a current, editable reference for best text, element, and organizational styling for this book. Guidelines mentioned in online style guides should be used as a base. All style suggestions are just suggestions, so edit as needed!

 copy and paste this textbox

to show examples of bad and good style for this book

Main text body formatting



To facilitate reading, all links are anchored in relevant text, and never just pasted into the page. It’s a good idea to let the reader know exactly where they’re going in the linked text.

Leamos y veamos estos consejos de David Marouani:

 Haz click aquí para los consejos de David Marouani.

Leamos y veamos los consejos de David Marouani.


All links to external sites should open in a new tab. To do this, click the gear icon when inserting a link and check the “Open link in a new tab” box.


From Google Docs

To embed a Google Doc,

  1. In Google Docs, select File → Publish to the web.
  2. Copy the first link that appears. It should end in «/pub».
  3. Paste the link into the Pressbooks editor outside of any bulleted lists or textboxes.


In lieu of listing extra resources in the main body of the page, provide a footnote (the “FN” button in Pressbooks editor) to a link or list of links at the bottom of the page.


Bold is reserved for key terms within the text body. Use italics for emphasis instead.

Nos enfocaremos en fórmulas educadas y ciertas actitudes, costumbres y acciones que eviten los malentendidos culturales.

Nos enfocaremos en fórmulas educadas y ciertas actitudes, costumbres y acciones que eviten los malentendidos culturales.

Spacing between elements

A full line of blank space goes between every new paragraph and textbox.

Text color

All text (except for links) is in the default color only. This way, readers know when some text contains a link.

En esta primera unidad, nos enfocamos en nuestro “yo”.

En esta primera unidad, nos enfocamos en nuestro “yo”.



Title Casing

Titles and subsections (even those in English) are in sentence case.

Para Continuar La Conversación

Para continuar la conversación


Headings for the main parts of each chapter are formatted in the “Heading 1” style in the Pressbooks editor. These are the same main parts as in the numbered list at the top of the chapter.  For subheadings, use “Heading 2” or “Heading 3” as needed.

Table of Contents

Subsections of a chapter are in a numbered (Arabic) list in the table of contents at the top of each chapter, but not in the main body.

Conocernos y saludarnos

Para continuar la conversación

Curación #2

TalkAbroad #2

1 Conocernos y saludarnos

2 Para continuar la conversación

3 Curación #2

4 TalkAbroad #2

[In main body:]

Conocernos y saludarnos


Each list item should contain a link to the corresponding subheading in the chapter. This can be done with the Anchor button in the Pressbooks editor. For more information on how to do this, see the Instructor’s Manual.

Naming Conventions


Curations are numbered without a # sign.

 Curación #1

Curación 1


TalkAbroad is spelled without a space and assignments are numbered like Curations.

Talk Abroad 2a conversación

TalkAbroad 2

« Tender un puente» chapter titles


« Tender un puente » chapter titles

The Halfwidth Rightwards Arrow → is used in “Tender un puente” chapter titles. Copy and paste to use.

Tender un puente 0 -> 1

 Tender un puente 0 → 1

Other guidelines

Pages translated into English

Pages that only serve as translations from the original Spanish into English should be titled with a literal translation of the Spanish title followed by (English).

Unidad 0 : Aprender a aprender → Unit 0: Learning to learn (English)


Icono de Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional

Excepto cuando se especifiquen otros términos, Taller REAL (Recursos Educativos Abiertos y Libres) BETA por Array Array se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional.

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